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Chasing a Feeling

I am chasing a feeling.

It has no name, it doesn’t need one.

It comes and goes when it pleases,

Begging you to follow and daring you to run.

It refuses to be constricted by the labeling of our simple minds.

Think about it too long and the thought itself unwinds.

If we knew what it was, we’d only take away its power.

It’s like driving down a deserted road with no destination.

Windows down, speakers loud, singing with no hesitation.

Because no one can hear you over the song that mimics your heartbeat.

The wind running its hands through your hair down Main Street.

It’s like the moment before you fall asleep, and as soon as you wake up.

When the rest of the world doesn’t exist, when you aren’t so stuck.

It’s like the first deep breath after crying that begins to slow the grief.

Or when you catch yourself from falling, your body relaxing with relief.

It’s like that smell that hits you when you come home after being gone.

And knowing you’re not alone because there’s a thousand lights left on.

A bell at the door, footprints on the floor, and my favorite dogwood tree.

It’s like the quiet that comes after realizing there’s no place you’d rather be.

It lies between breaths, between dreams, between the notes in a song.

It’s like the moment before you touch, the one you attempt to prolong.

You can find it in laughter and sometimes in tears.

It’s like remembering something you loved after forgetting it for years.

I am chasing a feeling, so fleeting you won’t always see it.

It has no name, it doesn’t need one… One day I’ll get to keep it.

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