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He asked me for a line,

To pull him to shore

Poor boy, floating on a sea of deadlines.

I threw him some rope

For I had coils and coils, woven around my legs

Couldn’t even see the start

Nor the end

Next my friends.

We jump rope

All giggle and glee

My friends

Want to jump off a cliff

Bungee jump

They need to be safe

Threads pull taut

Against my skin

They look up to me.


And loyalty

And love

They come to me

Lost happiness; problems run amok

Biting and tearing

I lasso them in

And they’re taken away

But remain in my pen

They look up to me.

The next one has ambition

But no path

Oh, well

Would anchoring just one more person,


The cords dig into my flesh now

She climbs up towards me

Takes a little more

And tosses it upwards,

Continuing to climb

I wait for her to look back

All I can see

Is her shadow


And loyalty

And love

I love my ropes

People praise me for by boundless ropes

They see them biting into me

“A winning quality”

They say

“A fashion statement to flaunt”

Angry red burns

under my clothes

A masochistic pleasure

Something only I could pull off





They look up to me


They’re looking up at me.

Watching as I’m hanged.

I gasp. I choke.

My fingers outstretched

I look for my ropes

My beautiful, bountiful ropes

To throw down

But my beautiful coils of rope

Had become

A noose

around my neck

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